Red maple

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Stacks Image 185

Red maple with historic Loockerman Hall (late 1700's), in autumn (above) and winter (below).

Acer rubrum

E. North America

Location: map coordinates
N-12 (near northeast corner of Baker Building), N 39°11'11'' W 75°32'42''; and
T-15 (south side of Loockerman Hall), N 39°11'6'' W 75°32'41''

Planting history: presently unknown.
T-15 is one of oldest campus trees; diameter at base 4 feet

  • medium- to large-sized deciduous tree
  • etymology: Acer is the classical name; Acer means sharp, probably from Roman spears with sharp tips, made from the wood of a maple species; rubrum = red
  • common (and scientific) name “red” because many parts are red: flowers, fruits, petioles (leaf stems), autumn leaves
  • leaves opposite (as in all maples); palmately 3-5 lobed, and toothed; underside whitish
  • functionally dioecious (male and female flowers on separate trees); flowers small, red; flowers appear before the leaves, in spring
  • fruit = 2 joined samaras (winged achenes), v-shaped; food for squirrels in late autumn
  • known as a “soft maple”; wood heavy but not as hard as sugar maple; used for furniture, cabinets, flooring
  • habitat moist soils, swamps

Native species, State Rank S5 (very common in Delaware)

Stacks Image 76

    There are 2 labeled red maple trees.